Jan Gerfast is an "underground" bluesmusician who has toured Sweden, Denmark, Germany and Holland for many years.
He has also been broadcasted in several TV- and Radioshows.
He has released following albums:
Rollin« with the Blues (Kick Music-92)
Second Coming (Kick Music-93)
MTVision (Display Records-95)
Uncle John Turner from Texas, USA (ex. Johnny Winter) was playing the drums on the MTVision album.
Exile, 2000
Label: Lingo Records, Berlin
Jan Gerfast has his roots in the Blues, but he«s not a traditional bluesmusician, he has his own style.
Heavy, suggestive grooves build the base over which he puts his vocals and guitarimprovisations.
He plays with a very intense bluesfeeling, straight on, no hesitation.
Someone called the music Groovy Blues, someone said Psychedelic Blues ...
What would You like to call it?
Jan Gerfast